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OPINION: Voting matters

By MP Damien Kurek

By MP Damien Kurek

In only a few days, Albertans will head to the polls to vote in the 2023 Alberta election.

I will be voting in advance and encourage everyone to make sure they get involved in the democratic process. The hard-fought rights that we have as Canadians require constant engagement and cannot be taken for granted.

I want to share my perspective on a few things related to the Provincial Election that I have been asked about many times.

But, before getting into some of the specific policy concerns, I cannot emphasize enough how not voting and not getting involved in our democratic process is detrimental to the future of our country and our province.

The first step to being a good citizen is showing up.

The upcoming Alberta election has very important implications on the political level but also the personal level for Albertans. I take very seriously the separation of different levels of Government in Canada.

It is that federation model of Government that allows our nation to work. Provinces and regional governments are responsible under the constitution for certain things as the Federal Government is responsible for others. Although these lines are increasingly blurred for political purposes by the Federal Liberals and their coalition partners in the NDP, it is the distinct levels of Government that ensure the very idea of why Canada works. And it is because I care about our federation that I am choosing to vote for my local United Conservative candidate.

Alberta is an incredible province. The contributions from Alberta from all backgrounds have enabled Alberta to become the province we are today. From traditional energy to new tech, agricultural innovation to tourism, when I am asked by folks across the country why Alberta stands out, I share that it is because we are a province that takes risks and when we see an opportunity, we move forward. We know how to get the job done. It is this perspective that built the Alberta Advantage.

Free enterprise and conservative ideals have helped Albertans build the foundation that has allowed us to become one of the most prosperous jurisdictions in the world.

We have been blessed with abundant natural resources, but that alone does not bring about prosperity; it’s our people that continue to show what’s possible. It’s the outworking of those ideals that needs to ensure that our provincial government is a catalyst for economic growth, shows fiscal responsibility, invests in services Albertans need, and ensures that our province stands up for itself. Ensuring that the Province of Alberta can stand up for itself is especially important when we have a Government in Ottawa like the Liberals that do not.

The New Democratic Party in Alberta does not reflect the principles that have enabled and secured Alberta’s successes. The way the provincial NDP is officially connected and subject to the will of the federal NDP is disturbing, a fact that is outlined in the Federal NDP’s constitution and is the antithesis of free enterprise.

The fact that the NDP has partnered with Justin Trudeau and the Liberals, and has launched bizarre attacks on Albertan energy, subscribes to an ideology that attacks farmers and ranchers and is adamant on a centralized big bureaucracy-focused policy agenda.

Alberta was held back by the NDP, and despite challenges over the last 4 years, Alberta is moving in the right direction once again.

As your federal representative, I can tell you that we need a strong provincial Government that will stand up for our province’s interests.

So, on May 29, I will be voting for my local United Conservative Party candidate. Then, as you have heard me talk so much about, I will continue to ensure that I stand up for my constituents and work to replace the Liberals in Ottawa so that we have a government on both levels that works to ensure that Alberta and Canada can reach their full potential.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this column, you are encouraged to write Damien at 4945-50th Street, Camrose, Alberta, T4V 1P9, call 780-608-4600, text 403-575-5625, or e-mail You can also stay up to date with Damien by following him on social media @dckurek. If you need assistance regarding a Federal Government program or need assistance and don’t know where to turn, feel free to reach out to MP Kurek’s office.