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Byemoor Endiang news

News for the week of Sept. 14, 2023
(File photo)

Harvest in the area is well underway. An early harvest this year was advanced due to the summer drought.

Farmers got a bit of a break with the recent rain delay, something we’ve seen very little of lately.

Congratulations to Doug Harrold of Byemoor on his silver medal win in Bocce at the Alberta 55 Plus Summer Games which ran Aug. 17 – 20, in Brooks–Newell. Good job, Doug.

Congratulations to Kendal and Kelsey (nee Keith) Andre on the birth of their daughter Amelia Joan Marie Andre on Aug. 27 in Medicine Hat. She weighed eight pounds two ounces. Amelia is also welcomed by her big brother Wade. Also, congratulations are sent to the grandparents Brian Keith and Jodi Johnson and great-grandma Deanna Johnson.

Marj Sorensen had a lucky day on Aug. 29 while playing crib at Manor II in Hanna, during the regular Tuesday crib meet. Marj was dealt a 28-point hand. She had a King and three Fives when a Five turned up. Congratulations Marj, those hands don’t come up very often.

Classes resumed at the Byemoor School on Sept.5. Staff members returning are Ms. Jewett (principal), Mrs. Bobbi Buchwitz (librarian/secretary) and Mrs. Rebecca Schofer (education assistant). New teachers welcomed are Mrs. Chayer, Ms. Berringer, Mr. Hoekstra and Mrs. Hoekstra. School bus drivers are Rhonda Maginn and Shalene Grover.

Sympathy is extended to the family of Dale Kobi who passed away on Aug. 18 at the age of 84 years. He was one of four children born to Bill and Betty Kobi. Dale and his late wife Joy (nee Gridley) raised a family of two children, Janine and Kevin.

Dale was well known for his bale hauling business and for his love of chuckwagon racing, a sport he participated in until the time of his death.

Our thoughts are with the Kobi family in their sad loss of this active gentleman.

Sincere condolences go to the family of Marsha Mailer who passed away on Sept. 1 at 43 years of age. She was the daughter of Cathy and the late Rod Mailer. Marsha and her husband Ryan Nixon have two children, Emma and Connor Nixon.

Our thoughts are with Marsha’s family and friends in their sad loss. She was a popular young woman, taken far too soon.

Sympathy is with the family of Phyllis Starling who passed away on Sept. 3. She was 88 years of age. Phyllis and her husband Ben farmed many years in the Hackett district, between Byemoor and Botha, where they raised their two children Malcolm and Melanie.

Phyllis was well known for her artistic talents in painting and pottery. Her talent can be seen in many murals around the area and many people have pieces of her work in their possession.

Our thoughts are with Phyllis’ family in their sad loss of this fine lady.

Happy Birthday wishes go out to Mickey Tucker who celebrated her 87th birthday on Sept. 10. Best wishes for many more happy birthdays, Mickey.

Humour for the Day

“My wife told me if I wasn’t home in an hour she was giving my supper to the dog. I was home in half an hour, I love that dog.”

“If a man says he will fix it, he will. There is no need to remind him every six months.”

“Don’t be mad at lazy people. They didn’t do anything.”

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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