Byemoor School hosted its annual Terry Fox Run on Friday, Sept. 22. The school students and others who joined in raised approximately $4,300. That’s a very impressive amount for a small school. Congratulations to all the runners and sponsors on a job well done.
Lee Carothers was the guest of honour at a surprise garden party on Sept. 2 as an early celebration of her 80th birthday. Lee’s birthday is actually on Nov. 12, but it’s hard to hold an outdoor garden party in November so an earlier date was chosen to celebrate. We hope you enjoyed your party and congratulations on your special milestone, Lee.
Sympathy is extended to the family of Gary Flamond, who passed away on Sept. 4 in Olds at the age of 70 years. Gary lived in Byemoor for about 15 years and was well-liked by all who knew him. His funeral service held in Olds on Sept. 11 was attended by some local folks.
We welcome Trevor and Dawn McConnell from B.C. to the Endiang community. They are renting the former Mickey Tucker place. We hope you enjoy your new location, Trevor and Dawn.
Maureen Wasdal travelled to Las Vegas for a Tranont training session and the launching of a new product. Tranont is a company that markets health and wellness products that Maureen has been associated with for over a year.
Hope you had a great stay, Maureen.
The next Church at Endiang service will be held on Sunday, Oct. 1 at 6 p.m. at the Endiang Community Hall. It will be a service focussed on Thanksgiving. Come and share something you’re thankful for this season.
Floor curling resumes at the Endiang Hall on Monday, Oct. 2 at 1 p.m. after a slight delay. Floor curling is open to all interested.
Byemoor School Educational Society is having a Bacon Fundraiser to raise money for school projects. Order from any Byemoor student from Oct. 2 – 23 and pick up at the school on Nov. 3. Sounds like a delicious fundraiser – everything goes better with bacon.
Byemoor 4-H Beef Club’s re-organizational meeting is set for Thursday, Oct. 12 at the Endmoor Drop-In Centre in Byemoor at 6:30 p.m. 4-H is open to all youth aged 9 – 21 years old and the Cleaver program is for youth 6 – 8 years.
Members gain so many valuable skills through the 4-H program and it’s open to all. For more information, contact Suzanne Sorensen at 403-741-8747, Maureen Smith at 403-321-0501 or Staci Charbonneau at 403-741-4333.
Humour for the Day
“Some things are better left unsaid. Which I generally realize right after I have said them.”
“A little-known fact – Before the crowbar was invented, most crows drank at home.”
“The invention of the shovel was groundbreaking, but it was the invention of the broom that truly swept the nation.”