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Administrator appointed, Halkirk to hold first meeting since council resignation

Date of by-election still pending
Municipal Affairs has appointed an official administrator for the village of Halkirk. Village of Halkirk at sunset, May 25, 2022. (Kevin Sabo/Stettler Independent)

Alberta’s minister of Municipal Affairs has appointed an official administrator for the Village of Halkirk.

Ian McCormack, of Strategic Steps Inc., will act as the community administrator until a by-election can be held and new councillors can be put in place.

The appointment is a necessity following the mass resignation of all the village councillors in August.

SEE ALSO: Council resigns, Halkirk headed to Byelection

McCormack’s appointment is only a temporary measure; according to a statement by Municipal Affairs press secretary Scott Johnston, the appointment will expire Nov. 30.

“As the Official Administrator, Ian McCormack will have all the powers and duties of council and as such, council meetings that were previously set will continue to be held on those dates,” said Johnston.

“Council cannot act other than by resolution or bylaw, even if an official administrator is acting as council, and therefore formal council meetings need to continue to take place.”

Dates for a by-election were set at the Sept. 27 meeting, however, were too late to be included by press time.

Chief administrative officer Tamara Slaboda confirmed the upcoming meeting and stated that the agenda for the upcoming meeting should be available on the village’s website a few days beforehand.