By Diane Dammann Alliance News
Most of the news comes from the day at the market this past week. The vendor draw featured a whole set of wooden train cars made by Bob Rossler. It was won by Emma Bullee.
Three cakes were in the draw for funds for the food bank. Those winners were Linda Cleveland, Anne Clough and Lynn Miller.
The WI Early Bird Draws saw the bouquet of fresh flowers go to Sheila Miller. There was a fruitcake and tea towels that were won by Shirley Cook. The mystery prize was won by Linda Cleveland. Christmas gift boxes and herb cutting scissors went home with Marge Fossum.
Jo MacKenzie has her sister-in-law visiting. Joyce MacKenzie came along to the market with Jo. Joyce says she is enjoying her visit in Alliance.
A couple came along to my table that looked familiar but I couldn’t place them. They were Bob and Linda Jans who live east and south of Alliance. I had been out to their acreage when they first moved here. Bob says the trees he was planting that day are now five feet tall. It has been a while. They are poplar trees, so give me a break.
They never miss a market and always go home with a draw prize for one of the group. They are Donna Chalifoux’s relatives from Sherwood Park, Shirley Cook, Jim and Joyce Walker and Lawrence Stenbeck. Shirley once again took the prize home. She won the second early bird draw at the WI table.
Gerard and Dolly Wadley of Viking have been coming quite regularly to the market too.
Judi Solonick has been sorting through some pictures then she gives them to a person who is in the picture. I got a nice one of a group of us at a strawberry tea a couple of years back. The strawberry teas are sponsored by the library board during Seniors Week in June.
The library board met on Tuesday. It was decided to keep the library open until 6 p.m. on Tuesdays to accommodate the students. I am to get notice to the bus drivers to let the students know that the library is open until 6 on Tuesdays. Of course, one doesn’t have to be a student to make use of the library up until 6.
Thanks to Marguerite McPherson, the library board has a beautiful Christmas basket again this year. See it at the post office.
I had a nice visit with Rose Anne Bauman on Friday. She has been laid up with a broken ankle since August 25. She is at home now. Her kids, Allison and Allan were here this past weekend. Allan is working and living in Red Deer. Allison lives by Forestburg and is now working at the credit union in Sedgewick.
The Ag Society held their annual meeting on Tuesday. The annual membership is a tooney. There are 16 members with room for lots more. The Ag Society looks after the community hall, sponsors the horse show in July, awards prizes for the July 1 parade, partners with the arena board and the Rec Board, supplies Santa Daze treats, and the sleigh, and works a casino for a fundraiser.
The Ag Society renewed the contract for hall caretaking with Vickie Howard. The new executive is president Velma Schofield, vice president Beth Davidson, 2nd vice Diane Dammann and secretary/treasurer Laura Towers.
The combined choir (Castor and Alliance) will sing in Alliance the afternoon of December 17. All are welcome to attend. The annual community concert will be Friday December 22 at 7. Call me if you can add an act, song, poem, etc.