By Les and Rosemary Stulberg
Byemoor School students were thrilled to have a visit last week from Miss Rodeo Canada, Mackenzie Skeels. Mackenzie visited to take part in Read In Week; she also autographed her photos for the young rodeo fans.
Remember that the Byemoor Fall Roast Beef Supper is coming up on Saturday, Oct. 21 at the Byemoor Community Hall from 4 – 7 p.m. Adults - $15, 6 – 12 years - $8 and Under 6 – Free. Be sure to come enjoy some tasty Alberta beef with all the trimmings.
We are a bit late reporting this news, but congratulations are certainly still in order for first-time parents Matt and Carly Tateson on the birth of their son Arber Makoyi Tateson on Aug. 23. Congratulations and enjoy your little bundle of joy, Matt and Carly. Congratulations also to local grandpa, Arny Tateson.
The Byemoor School bacon fundraiser is still underway and your bacon orders may be placed with any Byemoor student prior to Tuesday, Oct. 24. Bacon will be ready for pick-up on Friday, Nov. 3 at Byemoor School. The students will appreciate your support.
A correction to last week’s news column – the late Ryan and Gerry (nee Harvey) Radke had a family of four children. We apologize for the error.
Warren and Traci Jones along with their son John enjoyed a trip to Nova Scotia. They got to spend time with their daughter Charleen there. Fall is a gorgeous time to visit the Maritimes.
Russ and Linda Kobi along with Don and Wanda Wilkie returned home on Oct. 6 from an enjoyable vacation to Nashville. Some of the highlights included the Ronnie Milsap Farewell Concert with 29 guest stars who performed the 40 number-one hits written by Milsap. They also attended a Grand Ole Opry show with a backstage tour, went on the General Jackson Showboat, toured the Belle Meade Plantation and visited several other Nashville sites. The trip was an early celebration of Russ and Linda’s 50th wedding anniversary coming up in November.
Word was received of the passing of Trish Clark, a former teacher at the Byemoor and Endiang schools following a lengthy illness. Our thoughts are with Trish’s family in their sad loss.
Happy Anniversary wishes are sent to Dan and Verla Buchwitz who celebrated 56 years on Oct. 7.
Remember the Byemoor 4-H Beef Club re-organizational meeting is on Thursday, Oct. 12 at the Endmoor Drop-In Centre at 6:30 p.m.
Humour for the Day —
“If you eat an entire cake without cutting it, you technically only had one piece.”
“Some people are like a cloud. When they disappear it’s a beautiful day.”
“I used to play piano by ear, but now I use my hands.”