By Les and Rosemary Stulberg
The Byemoor Fall Roast Beef Supper is coming up on Saturday, Oct. 21 from 4 – 7 p.m. at the Byemoor Community Hall. Adults - $15, 6 – 12 years - $8 and Under 6 – free. Everyone is welcome – come and enjoy!
There will be a Free Flu Clinic in Byemoor on Wednesday, Oct. 25 offered by the Drumheller Walmart Pharmacy. The clinic runs from 8 a.m. until noon at the Byemoor School. Please bring your Alberta Healthcare number. Anyone age five and older is eligible. Fluzone HD is available for seniors 65+ and Moderna boosters are available if prior arrangements are made with Nicole. For more information contact Nicole Devaleriola at 403-820-2400.
Sympathy is extended to the family of Marilyn Boehlke who passed away on Oct. 13 in Hanna at the age of 80 years. Marilyn was a long-time resident of the Endiang community and was the eldest of two daughters born to Alec and Anne Smith. Marilyn married Gordon Boehlke and they raised a family of four children – Dave, Mike, Lorri and Rob. Marilyn was artistically talented and especially enjoyed sewing and quilting. Marilyn worked in sewing shops in Stettler and Hanna and also owned her own sewing shop in Hanna. Following Gordon’s death in 2004, Marilyn remained at Endiang for five years before retiring to Hanna.
Our thoughts are with Marilyn’s family in their sad loss — her sister Linda Connors, children – Dave (Sheila) Boehlke, Mike (Sharie) Boehlke, Lorri (Don) McLeod and Rob (Rainey) Boeklke and their families.
A Come and Go Memorial luncheon for Marilyn will be held on Saturday, Oct. 21 at 2 p.m. at the Endiang Community Hall.
Endmoor Drop-In Centre is hosting a Crib Tournament on Friday, Nov. 10 at 10 a.m. Those interested in playing must pre-register by Nov. 3. Only the first 32 registrants will be accepted. Prize money is paid to the top five hands. Entries are filling up fast so those interested should register soon. The cost is $20 and includes lunch. Phone your entries to Doreen Nixon at 403-579-2460 (home) or 403-740-9546 (cell).
Happy Birthday wishes are sent out to Alf Woelk, celebrating 82 years on Oct. 25.
Humour for the Day —
“Laughing at your mistakes can lengthen your life. Laughing at your wife’s mistakes can shorten it.”
“How do you find a buck in deer hunting season? Drop down from full coverage insurance to just liability insurance on your truck. Follow me for more hunting tips.”