The Olympic games in Korea are not the only games giving out medals.
Riley Icton of Saskatoon won silver in the 2018 Churchill Classic Wrestling tournament in Calgary on the weekend. Riley is the grandson of Randy Wickstrom.
Ellen Criss was visiting with her folks, Peter and Doris Spady on the weekend. Ellen attended the Common Vision Concert at the United Church on Saturday night.
The concert was a real success both in entertainment and fund raising.
George and Emma Bullee had a visit with daughter Sharon and her daughter Megan and Megan’s two boys. They came from Bowden to participate in the bazaar at the multiplex.
The arena committee had to be pleased with the success of the bazaar and the number of people who purchased food.
Dell Wickstrom and Dale Jones did the worship service at the United Church on Sunday morning since Rev. Dianne is on a study leave. After the service, Dell joined Roger Spady to cook the pancakes for the lunch to mark Shrove Tuesday.
There will be an Ash Wednesday service in Alliance February 14 at 7 p.m.
Sympathy is sent to Bev MacDonald upon the loss of her brother. He had been ill for some time.