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Local students hold a community food bank drive

‘In the end the food bank is nice and full and ready for Christmas’

A local student-driven food drive has helped stock up the Castor Food Bank.

The event ran from Nov. 4th through to Nov. 15th with the kids having a pizza party on Nov. 25th.

Grade 5/6 students at Gus Wetter won with 565 points equaling 17.6 points per student, and the Grade 5/6 students at Theresetta won with 404 points - an average of 15.5 per student.

“The way we calculated points was each type of food had a point value and if they brought that in they would get a tally for that item. We chose point values by price and necessity of the item in the food bank,” noted a release.

In the end the food bank is nice and full and ready for Christmas.

“The pizza was enjoyed by all. All the other classes did well and also had a huge hand in filling the food bank.”

