Suncrest Farming Co. Ltd. has filed Application RA24002 with the Natural Resources Conservation Board (NRCB) to obtain an approval to expand an existing multi-species confined feeding operation (CFO) on the SW 2-36-13 W4M and SE 3-36-13 W4M in the County of Paintearth, Alberta. The application is to build replacement layer barn and to increase the number of chicken layers from 17,500 to 30,000. This will bring the total permitted livestock at this CFO to 450 sows farrow to finish, 6,000 chicken broilers, 200 milking cows (pus associated dries and replacements) and 30,000 chicken layers.
Filing a Response
Any person who is directly affected by the application may submit a written response to the NRCB. The response must be received by the NRCB on or before 4:30 pm on April 15, 2024. Submissions should be made to the NRCB address provided below. A copy of the responses will be sent to the applicant for comment. Responses regarding the application may be posted on the NRCB’s public website, as they are public records and are non-confidential.
Your written response must include your name, the legal land description of your residence or landholdings, mailing address, phone number, and email. You must also explain how you are directly affected. For further information please refer to the fact sheet “The Permitting Process for Confined Feeding Operations in Alberta” at
Failure to submit a written response affects your right to apply for an NRCB Board review.
Viewing the Application
A complete copy of the application and supporting documents submitted by the applicant under the Agricultural Operation Practices Act may be viewed on the NRCB website at (under Confined Feeding Operations / Notice of Approval and Registration Applications). The application will also be available for in-person viewing at the Red Deer office by appointment. If you require further information, please contact the approval officer listed below.
Sarah Neff, Approval Officer
303, 4920 – 51 Street
Red Deer, AB T4N 6K8
T 403-506-9613
The closing date for submissions: 4:30 pm on April 15, 2024
Dated at Red Deer, AB on March 14, 2024