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3C’s Coyotes U13 girls’ hockey team win provincials

The 3C’s Girls Coyotes u13 Tier two team are the provincial champions following a weekend of tournament play in Consort March 22-24.

According to proud hockey mom Shiana Younger, the team went 13-1 in playoffs and 5-0 in the provincial tournament.

Four of the games ended up going into overtime.

“The tournament went well and all teams gave positive feedback and thanks for a great weekend,” said Younger.

“It wouldn’t have been possible without all the generous donations, volunteers and support.”

The Coyotes did have their challenges; the semi-final game against Grande Prairie was a nail-biting 4-3 win which was decided in double-overtime.

In the finals, when the Coyotes faced off against Fort McMurray, the team also eked out a 6-5 win in overtime.

“I speak for all the coaches when I say this: From the moment this team stepped on the ice for their first practice, you could see the team had what it takes to become champions,” said head coach Ryan Schedlosky, in an email statement passed on by Younger.

“The way they treated each other as equals even though some were meeting each other for the first time. The effort they gave on the first drill showed all of us how hard they were willing to work. The continuing smiles and laughs they gave each other showed how much fun they were having. As the year went on the teamwork, effort and fun got stronger week after week.”

Schedlosky even mused that the team went into overtime on purpose, “just so they could spend more time on the ice together.”

In closing, Schedlosky noted that the team’s success was also attributable to the parents.

“The parents and volunteers went above and beyond at the provincial tournament,” said Schedlosky.

“The only disappointing part is that it’s over but I promise you none of them will forget it.”

The 2023-24 3C’s Coyotes U13 Girls team is made up of Emily Dyki, Jailyn Saruga, Jensyn Duque, Kate Schedlosky, Kennedy Hronek, Kenzie Schaffer, Tegan Younger, Alaina Hagens, Alyson Witherden, Aubrey younger, Ava Boxma, Blakely Lundy, Brianna Lyster, Britt Schedlosky, and Delila Waldner.

The team is made of players from Oyen, Consort, Brownfield, Coronation, Castor and Halkirk.

Kevin Sabo

About the Author: Kevin Sabo

Kevin Sabo has been a resident of the Castor area for the last 12 years, first moving to the area in his previous career as an EMT.
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